Dianov Sergei Aleksandrovich,Dianova Yuliya Viktorovna
The article deals with a range of issues related to motivation factors for admission to graduate school and behavioral reactions in the process of studying under the programs of scientific specialties in a modern national research university. Using the example of the implementation of postgraduate programs in political sciences at a technical university, the key motives of young specialists to continue their studies at the university are revealed. The features of the motivational and value sphere of graduate students mastering the training curriculum and performing the tasks of research work are determined. The reasons for expulsion from graduate school, the reasons for failure in the educational program, as well as the motives for frequent academic leave are analyzed. The article presents arguments in favor of the author's hypothesis about the need to develop postgraduate studies in the humanities and social sciences in technical universities. Political science education contributes not only to the conscious choice of the profession of an engineer or a highly qualified specialist for state and municipal service bodies. A young researcher gets the opportunity to recognize the value-semantic grounds for working in the organization of higher education. A potential high school teacher develops stable ideas about pedagogical ethics, about the psychology of communication with students of different age groups, about the inadmissibility of forms of deviant behavior when performing professional tasks.
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