Formation of a responsible attitude of the children of primary school age to their health


Livak Nataliya Stepanovna,Portnyagina Anastasiya Mikhailovna,Tkacheva Anna Vladimirovna,Popov Vitalii Vladimirovich,Vladykin Igor' Vil'yamsovich


Today, children's health problems need new approaches. In this regard, the educational function of teachers and psychologists is important in order to form a child's idea of a healthy lifestyle, to form right attitudes to their's own health. This is of particular importance for young people, children, since they are the future generation that will continue our history, which has determined the relevance of this work related to the formation of a responsible attitude to a healthy lifestyle of children, which is the subject of this work. A psychological and pedagogical program for 4th grade students has been developed to form a responsible attitude to their health and healthy lifestyle. The implementation of the program includes three main levels: 1) Emotional involvement (emotional-value component of a responsible attitude); 2) semantic (cognitive component); activity (activity component). As a result of the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical program, the level of responsible attitude of children to their health has significantly increased. Namely, the number of children with a conscious attitude to their health has increased (cognitive component), the level of mastery of cultural norms has increased (emotional and value component), the number of schoolchildren participating in health-preserving and promoting a healthy lifestyle has increased


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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