Bogdanova Veronika Olegovna
The article presents the results of a focused interview to identify problematic markers of the development of the structural components of subjectivity in the younger generation. The object of the study is the manifestation of the subjectivity of the younger generation in the Internet space. The subject of the study is the problematic markers of the development of youth subjectness in the digital environment. The theoretical significance and novelty of the study lies in the systematization of theoretical ideas about the influence of the digital environment on the development of subjectivity. The practical significance lies in identifying problematic markers for the development of subjectivity in the digital environment, knowledge of which can be used to create a person-centered educational environment. Empirically, the main problematic markers of the development of some structural components of subjectness were identified: individuality, reflection and empathy. The ratio of freedom and responsibility in the digital environment is determined from the point of view of representatives of the younger generation. The results of this study can be used to develop psychological and pedagogical programs aimed at developing the skills of reflection, self-determination, self-realization, emotional regulation, positive self-attitude and empathy.
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