Berezina Tatiana Nikolaevna
A model of life expectancy regulation through biopsychological clocks of four levels is considered. The first level is represented by the intracellular molecular genetic clock, which is responsible for maximum life expectancy. At the second level, the regulation of activity time occurs (time management), this level is associated with the psychological clock, there is also a connection with the activity of annual and monthly biorhythms. This level is associated with the organization of life path, regulation of lifestyle, and professional longevity of a person. At the third level, wakefulness and sleep are regulated through circadian biorhythms with a period of 20-28 hours. Here the regulation of health and restoration of immunity occurs. The fourth level is associated with the regulation of the rhythms of the respiratory and cardiac systems, the phenomenon of premature death is associated with it, and it is responsible for the cessation of life. We consider regulation from top to bottom, with each level responsible for its own aspect of life expectancy. There is interaction between the levels, but its mechanisms have been little studied. In addition, there are also mechanisms that ensure the autonomous functioning of metabolism at each level. Conclusion: to restore health, prevent sudden death, and potentially increase life expectancy, it is necessary to develop comprehensive strategies that combine all levels of the biopsychological clock.