The Influence of Individual and Personal Characteristics of Social Workers on the Style of Professional Activity


Artyukhova Tat'yana Yur'evna,Ben'kova Oksana Anatol'evna,Barkanova Ol'ga Vladimirovna,Fedorova Elena Prokop'evna,Artyukhov Aleksei Nikolaevich


The success of social reform largely depends on the level of professionalism of a modern social worker, the degree of manifestation of his abilities, capabilities and the optimal choice of ways and means of implementing his professional activity, which will more closely correspond to his individual characteristics. Object of research: professional activity of social workers Subject of research: individual and personal characteristics of a social worker as a factor in the formation of the style of professional activity The purpose of the study: to study the relationship of individual and personal characteristics and the style of professional activity of social workers. Research methods: 1. Ketell's 16-factor questionnaire, 2. Questionnaire of activity styles "SD 36" by A.D. Ishkovai N.G. Miloradova (adaptation of the questionnaire"LearningStylesQuestionnaire" by P. Honey and A. Mumford). 3. Research of individual style of professional activity (adapted for social workers) - A.I. Markova     Thus, when studying the relationship between personal characteristics and the characteristics of the style of professional development of social workers, we determined that there is a relationship between personal attitudes and the features of the implementation of professional activities. It is also revealed that the qualification level has a significant impact on the nature of the relationship between personal characteristics and features of professional development. Thus, among social workers with the highest qualification category, with significant professional experience, there is a decrease in the intensity of the relationship between personal attitudes and features of professional development, which is due to personal characteristics: they have more pronounced indicators of dominance, high normativity of behavior, they are more independent in comparison with employees of the first category and are confident, conscientious, and responsible for their actions, are able to insist on their own, and strive to comply with established norms and rules


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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