Verbal Aggression in the Professional Activities of Police Officers


Yakimova Zoya Vladimirovna


The object of the study is verbal aggression, which is understood as a type of aggressive speech behavior, considered as an unecological way to relieve excessive psycho-emotional stress of a person swearing in a situation of stress or conflict while defending his point of view or position. The subject of the study is the personal qualities that form aggressive behavior, including verbal aggression in the professional activities of police officers. The purpose of the study is to identify the level of verbal aggression depending on gender, age, level of professional education of police officers, as well as to identify personal qualities that are most correlated with verbal aggression and influence the constructiveness index when choosing strategies to overcome stressful situations in professional activity. The scientific novelty lies in the differentiation of the goals of various types of aggressive speech behavior; consideration of verbal aggression in the professional activities of police officers both orally when communicating with a different contingent of citizens, and variations of verbal aggression in writing in Internet communications. As a result of the study, the goals of various types of verbal aggressive behavior were differentiated, including taking into account Internet communications; the highest level of verbal aggression was revealed in male police officers receiving their first higher legal education, belonging to the age category of 26-40 years; verbal aggression is more correlated with positive aggressiveness, irritability; the presence of verbal aggression reduces the index of constructiveness in resolving conflict situations.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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