Psychological features of self-attitude of teenagers engaged in sports


Iakimanskaia Irina


The article presents views on the concept of self-relation in the theories of domestic and foreign scientists. Having studied the structure of self-attitude, its components from the standpoint of various theoretical approaches, we, within the framework of our research, have defined the attitude to oneself as the most important form of personal relationships, each manifestation of a person as a subject of society is accompanied by the inclusion of his self-attitude. When considering the regularities of the formation of self-attitude in adolescence, we emphasize that it is he who is the sensitive period for the development of self-attitude in the integral structure of personality. The self-attitude of a teenager is constantly changing in the process of living this age period. Its complication, acquisition of greater stability and integration into a single system is natural. We were interested in the specifics of sports activity in the context of the development of self-attitude, the article discusses the features of the development of important personality traits associated with self-esteem and self-acceptance. In the study, we found that the self-attitude of adolescents involved in sports differs from the self-attitude of adolescents not involved in sports. The main differences are related to the higher self-attachment of adolescent athletes and their self-worth in contrast to adolescent non-athletes. Also, teenage athletes have a higher self-esteem of their health, intelligence, ability, peer authority and self-confidence than teenagers who do not play sports. Also, teenagers engaged in sports are characterized by high purposefulness, focus on the life process, the idea of themselves as the master of life and high meaningfulness of life in general. The results obtained during the study confirm the hypothesis that the level of general self-attitude and its individual indicators in adolescents engaged in sports differs from the level of general self-attitude and its individual indicators in adolescents not engaged in sports.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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