I-functions of external and internal differentiation of the girls with tattoos with different body image


Khmelevskaia Olga Evgenievna,Timoshenko Svetlana Vladimirovna


The subject of the study is the I-functions of external and internal differentiation of tattooed girls with different body image. In the available literature, the consideration of the meanings of tattoos occurs in connection with self-harm, the application of jewelry or the elimination of bodily defects. The connection of tattoos with the existing bodily image and central I-functions needs are studied in the article. Objective: to study the I-functions of external and internal differentiation of the girls with tattoos with different body image. Methods: G. Ammon's Structural Test (ISTA) and O. A. Skugarevsky and S. V. Sivukh's Own Body Image Questionnaire. Study sample: 62 girls with tattoos aged 22.48 ± 2.16 (Mo=21, Me=22) with higher and receiving higher education. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that there are no works on the connection of tattoos with central I-functions in the Russian literature. The connection of body tattooing with Self-functions and body image is a new direction in psychological research. Results: girls with tattoos and a positive body image experience fewer difficulties in integrating life experience, build relationships with other people more successfully, show more interest in life, respect their own and others' personal boundaries more than respondents with a negative body image. It is established that the more negative the body image is, the less the constructive component is manifested in the external I-differentiation and the personal boundaries are less realized. As a result of the study author suggest the psychocorrective work for girls with deformed I-functions and negative bodily image. The conclusions made can become the basis of psychological work to reduce the risk of adaptation disorders.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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