Organization of the IT postgraduate education in continuous medical education


Gelman Viktor,Lan'ko Svetlana Vladimirovna,Serdyukov Yurii Pavlovich


The subject of this research is the organization of educational process in IT postgraduate training in terms of continuous medical education. Therewith, the cycles of improvements in the context of the system of continuous medical education become separate modules of the modular approach. This requires the organization of educational process in the indicated circumstances. Therefore, the goal of this research is the identification of problems and tasks occurring in organization of IT training for medical workers, their analysis and possible ways of solution. Expert assessment and generalized practical experience are used in determination of the key trends and issues emerging in organization of educational process. Moreover, the questionnaire survey of the trainees is conducted in the course of the specifically organized examinations. As a result, the author determines the requirements imposed upon the organization of educational process, as well as demonstrates the possible ways of solution of the arising questions. Suggesting the ways for their solution, the authors assume that it will allow increasing the efficiency of organization of educational process in postgraduate continuous training. Part of the recommendations can also be valuable for other academic departments.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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