The study of personal factors defining the emergence of victim behavior among teenagers with intellectual incapacity


Kulikova Tatiana Ivanovna,Stepanova Nataliya Anatol'evna


The subject of this research is the personal factors defining the emergence of victim behavior among teenagers with intellectual incapacity. The object is the victim behavior of teenagers with intellectual incapacity. The goal consists in examination of personal factors defining the emergence of victim behavior among teenagers with intellectual incapacity, and possibilities of forecasting the behavioral type of a victim – active or passive. The authors analyze such aspects as behavioral disorders of teenagers with intellectual incapacity, heightened victimization as predisposition of teenagers with intellectual incapacity to becoming a victim of crime, or personal traits of teenagers of this category determining victim behavior. The novelty of the conducted research consists in identification of personal factors of victim behavior of teenagers with intellectual incapacity, expressed by combination of personal traits determining the behavioral type of a victim. The dominant personal factors include emotional, volitional, and behavioral. As a result of regression and correlation analysis, the author determines the direct close interrelation between the emotional and behavioral factors; direct moderate connection between volitional and behavioral factors; and reversed moderate connection between emotional and volitional factors. The acquired data allowed determining personal traits of the active and passive victims. An active victim is characterized with high level of frustration, impulsiveness and low level of self-control. A passive victim is characterized with high level of anxiety, insecurity and helplessness that form low self-esteem. Among the teenagers with intellectual incapacity such traits exceed the boundaries more often than among neurotypical age mates, which substantiates the presence of risk factors affecting their psychological security and lead to disorientation in social environment.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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