Methodological grounds for the development of systematic approach in applied psychological diagnostics of patients with socially significant diseases


Kadyrov Ruslan Vasitovich,Kapustina Tat'yana Viktorovna,Elzesser Anastasiya Sergeevna


The theoretical subject of this research is personality of a patient with socially significant diseases. The goal consists in determination of methodological grounds for selecting a universal set of psychodiagnostic methods for the patients with socially significant diseases. Theoretical analysis is conducted on the results relevant Russian and foreign psychological empirical research that allow describing personality of a patient with socially significant diseases. The author systematizes the data based on biopsychosocionoetic model proposed by G. V. Zalevsky, which reveals the elements of psychological diagnostics and psychological work in accordance with the components of functionality of the psyche: physical Self, social Self, actual Self, and spiritual Self. It is established that modern research usually reveals 1-2 components of the structural Self of the psyche. The article offers a combination of methods that can lay the foundation for systematic psychodiagnostic study of personality of a patient with socially significant diseases. For determining the actual Self, actual Self, social Self, and maladaptive traits, the author suggest to use the following:1) for studying the aspects of actual Self: Individual-typological questionnaire By L. N. Sobchik;: Strategies of Coping Behavior, Life Cycle Index, Integrative Anxiety Test; Beck Depression Inventory;2) for studying social Self: the Scale for Measuring Subjective Feeling of Loneliness in adaptation of N. E. Vodopyanova, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support3) for studying spiritual Self: Reconceptualized test of life-meaning orientations by D. A. Leontiev's4) for physical Self: Giessen Subjective Complaints ListThe indicated methodologies allow implementing the systemic-structural principle, achieving a holistic picture of functionality of the psyche in diagnostics of a patient.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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