Artistic image in animated cinema as an integrative multilevel dynamic phenomenon


Zaitcev Aleksei Yakovlevich


This article discusses the specific features of the artistic image, the artistic form of the screen, including animated works. The artistic image in animation is a complex and multilevel phenomenon that takes the expressive and visual form of the director's vision and conveys the content through the artistic form. The aim of the work is to attempt to define the "artistic image" in animated cinema. The object of the study is the form of an animated work as the integrity of its artistic concept, combining various audiovisual elements, involving a laborious technological embodiment on the screen, combining the expressive and visual form of the director's vision, his creative interpretation of the chosen plot. The author of the article suggests considering the animated image as an artistic phenomenon as one of the most important aspects characterizing the integrity of an animated film. The novelty of the work lies in an attempt to define such a concept as "the image of an animated film". The new empirical material presupposes the updating of the terminology of art criticism, including the film-making tools in the process of theoretical analysis of screen culture. In this perspective, it is necessary to clarify, expand and update the traditional terminology (in particular, the definition of an artistic image in animation) used in the artistic and aesthetic analysis of screen works. The results of the study can have both scientific and theoretical, and creative and practical application. The materials and conclusions of this article can be used as a conceptual and methodological basis for further scientific research.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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