The role of the energy factor in the formation and development of the EAEU


Ueldanov Salavat Raisovich


The article analyzes the role of the energy factor in the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), as well as its impact on the dynamics of modern integration processes. The author also considers a number of processes and phenomena as an energy factor, such as the degree of resource security of states, the level of infrastructural development of their fuel and energy complexes (including technological, logistical and information infrastructure), interstate interaction in order to implement energy policy and ensure energy security. Based on the analysis of the historical prerequisites for the formation of the EAEU, it is concluded that energy was one of the key areas of common economic interests at the stage of the Union's inception, while remaining so today and determining the potential of Eurasian integration in the global arena, at the same time being the cause of a number of fundamental problems of unification. These problems, caused by resource inequality and infrastructural imbalance, have a profound impact on the dynamics of integration processes. Among such problems are significant differences in the strategic interests of the states in relation to the EAEU; insufficient consistency of positions on energy development strategies; different and to some extent contradictory expectations from the emerging common energy markets; an imbalance in the levels of responsibility for the overall stability of the integration association. The need for practical solutions to problems and contradictions of this kind is an important factor determining the vector of further development of the integration association, its transformation from a predominantly economic Union to a new level – supported by ideology and values shared by all its participants.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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