Promising directions of development and intensification of international cooperation in the field of international cyber security


Yanikeeva Inna Olegovna


The article considers the current prospects of concluding a binding cyber-agreement about a wide range of questions of international cyber security in the context of the lack of mutual confidence between states and the striving of some countries to use their technological advantages to dominate in the digital sphere. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the potential of collective resistance of states to digital threats by taking measures aimed at the strengthening of confidence and the creation of a cyber weapons control system. Special attention is given to the consideration of objections against the international binding cyber-agreement. The author analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of coordinating measures aimed at strengthening confidence and the creation of a cyber weapons control system. The main conclusion of the research is that most objections against the international binding agreement, including the problems of rapid technological change, fail under close examination. The author’s special contribution to the study of the application of a case analysis for the detection of agreements suitable for the development of a cyber-agreement according to such parameters as the conclusion of as agreement despite the problem of attribution and high speed of technological changes, and in spite of the opinion that it is too early to sign an international treaty regulating actions in this or that sphere until new technologies are used for a certain amount of time. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the comprehensive analysis of the possibility to conclude a cyber-agreement and create a cyber weapons control system, which will allow proposing the ways to overcome contradictions and conclude a global complex cyber agreement and create a global cyber weapons control system.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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