Model of bribery deterrence


Tsurikov Vladimir Ivanovich


The subject of this research is the measures for halting the flow of bribes (product of the number of bribes by the average value). One of the key factors of corruption rampant in modern Russia consists in the weak stimuli and absence of adequate motivation among the representatives of law enforcement agencies. The research was conducted using the methods of mathematical modeling, and is based on the assumption that penal sanctions are the only punishment intended for the official caught in the act of accepting the bribe. In order for the controller who imposes penalty not to have stimulus to accept a bribe from the official in the amount lower than the amount of penalty for concealing his offence, the penalty becomes the property of the controller in full. It is assumed that each of the parties aims for maximization of their net income. Conditions are established, under which the flow of bribes a) only increases, b) along with efforts of the controller, makes periodic fluctuations in time, c) monotonously tends to zero.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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