The impact of reputation capital of the region upon the quality of life of the population


Elshin Leonid Alekseevich,Grunichev Aleksandr Stanislavovich,Davydova Amina Aidarovna


The subject of this research consists in elaboration of the formalized assessment methods of the impact of reputation capital of the region upon the quality of life of the population. The object of this research is the Republic of Tatarstan. The authors substantiate the need for examining the nontraditional productive factors that determine the impact of economic development of the territories in the conditions of globalization of reproduction processes. It is underlined that at the current stage of development, it is important in the models of economic growth to take into account reputation potential of the region as one of the crucial generators of socioeconomic development in the context of digitalization of economic relations. Particular attention is turned to the questions of assessment of cumulative indexes of reputation of the territories, which form the foundation for formation of econometric models. Based on the proposed methods and approaches, the authors develop a model that in a formalized way allows determining the degree of impact of reputation capital of the region upon the parameters and dynamics of the income per capita as a paramount indicator of the quality of life. Application of the proposed methodological tools allowed substantiating the prospects, reasonableness and relevance of using with regards to the models of regional economic growth the exogenous factors, which characterize the level of development of nonmaterial factors of production. The obtained results prove the substantial correlation between the analyzed statistical arrays. It is established that augmentation reputation capital of the territories is an important task in the era of digitalization and globalization.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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