System analysis of the impact of reputation capital upon activation of economic activity in the region


El'shin Leonid Alekseevich,Sharapov Azat Rafikovich,Abdukaeva Aliya Aidarovna


The search for the factors that launch the mechanisms of economic dynamics remain polemical and generate contradictions between various economic schools and directions. This is caused by the differences in fundamental approaches, as well as by conjunctural transformations that initiate new forms and instruments for activation of economic growth in modern reality. The debates and works dedicated to the contribution of nonmaterial factors to the dynamics of the key macroeconomic indicators of regional systems are particularly acute. In this regard, it is an essential methodological aspect in studying the regional development is the application of approaches that are based on the principles of reputation economics, which covers the reproduction processes through the prism of reputation capital. Considering the relevance of this problem, the author carries out comprehensive analysis of the impact of the reputation capital of the region (classified as intangible assets) upon the growth of business activity of the economic agents. Leaning on the methods of building the system of recursive equations, the key patterns of the impact of reputation upon activation of economic activity in the region are determined. Substantiation is given to the main vectors of implementation of government regional policy through the prism of the theory of reputation economy. The article offers an interpretation, which discloses the priorities and peculiarities of regional development in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as well as the specific features of strategic territorial management.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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