Organizational-economic mechanism for managing ethnic cluster in economic space of the region


Klochko Elena Nikolaevna,Kovalenko Lidiya Vladimirovna


At the current stage of social development, diversification of regional development is one of the central tasks for improving its socioeconomic efficiency. Therefore, it seems relevant to find “growth points” of regional development in both economic and social aspects. The ethno-economic segment plays an important role in the system of regional economy with regards to formation of strategies for optimization of the regulatory impact upon the process of regional development. The development of ethnic economy may positively affect self-organization of the regional economy, increase rationalization in the use of ethnic, natural and other resources. The research uses the example of Krasnodar Krai as a polyethnic region with ethnic resources that can be used to augment competitiveness of the region. The goal of this article is to analyze the importance of ethnic resource in the development of Krasnodar Krai as a polyethnic region, as well as work out the organizational-economic mechanism for managing ethnic cluster in order to use the recreational, natural, and cultural-historical potential of the ethnoses of Krasnodar Krai most efficiently. The scientific novelty consists in the development of organizational-economic mechanism for managing ethnic cluster in economic space of the region, which has an effective managerial impact upon the subjects of ethno-economic activity of the region. The article employs the methods of monographic analysis and systemic analysis. In the course of research, the authors determined the characteristics of ethnic cluster as an economic category; revealed that multi-sectoral orientation of functionality of ethnic cluster in Krasnodar Krai indicates the need for the development of organizational-economic management mechanism; characterized the activity of the subjects of regulation of ethnic cluster considering the management hierarchy; worked out the organizational-economic mechanism for managing ethnic cluster.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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