New phraseology in modern communicative space (to the question of replenishment of the corpus of chunks of language by phraseologisms with a component “electronic”)


Chernova Oksana Evgen'evna,Osipova Aleksandra Anatol'evna,Buzhinskaya Dar'ya Sergeevna


Phraseological corpus of Russian language of the late XX – early XXI centuries has been enriched with multiple phraseological units. The subject of this research became neophraseologisms with “electronic” as the key component, actively used in modern publicistic discourse (electronic book, electronic textbook, electronic journal, electronic wallet, electronic library, and others). In Russia, the system of gradual fixation of emergence of new suprawords linguistic units did not form, thus composers of even the modern phraseological dictionaries include neologisms carefully, “sparsely”, often without due “linkage” to time and circumstances of their emergence, not fully answering the needs of a modern user. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that there is a need to conduct linguistic qualification and dictionary description of the Russian phraseological neologisms, emerged in the conditions of “digital pivot” of culture and formation of global communicative space. Abundance of supraword neologisms, which sensitively react to all changes in the life of society, is connected to a number of causes. On the one hand, on the background of geopolitical “redivisions” came drastic changes in the sociopolitical and socioeconomic life of the Russian native speakers. On the other hand, modern humanity is undergoing civilizational changes, caused by the “digital pivot” as coined by the renowned Polish phraseologist Wojciech Chlebda, driving formation of a global information network.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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