English translations of the Japanese folkloremes in the English-language translations: cultural-cognitive asymmetry


Krasnova Vasilina Yur'evna,Nikolaeva Ol'ga Vasil'evna


The subject of this research is the linguocultural and cognitive aspects of the original Japanese folkloremes (names of fairy characters, mythical objects, and mythical animals) and their English correlates. The authors refer to folklore as a source of profound understanding of cultural connotation, cultural beliefs, cultural distinctness, traditions and customs. The methodological equivalence of linguistic and cultural-cognitive aspects of folkloremes is underlined. The goal of this work consists in determination of the formal and conceptual transformations of Japanese folkloremes in English translation of a Japanese tale. Folkloremes of a Japanese tale have not previously been an object of special research. Comparison of the text of Japanese folk tale and its English analogue demonstrates the cultural-cognitive asymmetry between Japanese folkloremes and their English correlates. Three types of Japanese folkloremes (unique; possessing distinct characteristics; and having cultural-specific associations) determine different techniques of their translation into the English language and various types of transformations of their conceptual content. Cognitive asymmetry of Japanese and Anglo-Saxon cultures substantiate the insufficient understanding and accentuation in English texts of the Japanese important cultural dominant – social and age hierarchism, as well as the enduring significance of image of the emperor and imperial power associated with this dominant.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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