Current concepts of political discourse in modern Russian and Chinese media


Kha Tsun


This article is devoted to the analysis of the most important concepts of political discourse in Russian and Chinese media for the modern society of these two countries. The article discusses various approaches to the interpretation of political discourse in Russia and China, reveals their similarities and differences, analyzes the key concepts of political discourse and draws conclusions about the specifics of their functioning in the context of modern leading print media in Russia and China. The relevance of this topic is due to the importance of analyzing and understanding the media environment in Russia and China, which nowadays plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and broadcasting state policy both inside and outside the country. The subject of the study is the most relevant concepts of the mass media of the Russian Federation and China, as well as methods for creating political discourse in these countries. As a result of the study, a list of relevant concepts of Russian and Chinese media is proposed, a list of common and distinctive features of the political discourse of the two countries is given, and the reasons for the uniqueness of the national political discourse of Russia and China, due to their national characteristics, political system, ideology, and finally, cultural differences between the two peoples, are indicated. At the same time, an analysis of the publications of the leading media in the Russian Federation and China showed that the common topics of articles in the two countries are the role of language and state ideology in the life of modern society.


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