Ethnophaulisms in the Chinese language as a reflection of racial and ethnic Identity: Issues of political Correctness


Kozhemyakina Valeriya Alekseevna


The article, written from the standpoint of sociolinguistics and communication theory, examines the concept of ethnophaulisms in relation to the concept of political correctness, and a comparative analysis of ethnophaulisms in Chinese against the background of Russian and English. The object of the study is racial and ethnic identity as the basis of political correctness. The subject of the study is ethnophaulisms in Chinese, English and Russian. The author examines in detail expressive ethnonyms in Chinese against the background of Russian and English. Special attention is paid to expressive ethnonyms in the Chinese language, due to active cultural and historical contacts between the countries. The main conclusions of this study include the following: ethnonyms in different cultures are formed on the basis of signs due to different degrees of historical, social, cultural, geographical contacts; the associative field arising in connection with the use of one or another ethnophaulism is used as a mechanism regulating the manipulative potential of political correctness, which is realized through the substitution of a true communicative intention false. The novelty of the scientific research lies in the fact that ethnophaulisms in Chinese, Russian and English are considered in connection with the problem of political correctness, which was not previously the object of a comprehensive comparative analysis.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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