Formation of Scottish Ethnic Identity through the Historical and Social Events


Tarasova Kira Eduardovna


The present article represents the process of formation and development of the Scottish identity through the events that have been occurring since IIIrd century. The aim of the research is the study of the ethnic identity development as emotional and cognitive process of identification with the ethnos. The article is based on the foreign and Russian researchers’ studies covering issues about Scottish history, ethnic identities, text pertaining to the important historic events that influenced the ethnic identity formation and articles written by Scottish sociologists as members of the ethnic group. On the basis of definitional, conceptual and event history analyses sphere of concepts SCOTTISH IDENTITY is formulated. The conclusion about the existence of two types of identity (ethnic and national) in the Scots consciousness is formulated. Event history analysis shows the emergence of the ethnic identity, that is changes in the identifications in the course of historical events and life conditions. The relevance in the research is in the formation of the ethnic identity representation in the Scots consciousness in the frame of its long period of formation and development. This article is of interest because of the second referendum on Scottish independence that is planned to be held in autumn 2023.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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