Analysis of the Impact of the System Restrictions Imposed by the Chinese Regulator on the Key Performance Indicators of the Chinese Gaming Industry


Tsymlyakov Aleksei Maksimovich


The subject of this study is to conduct a survey aimed at assessing the functioning and development of the Chinese gaming industry under the restrictions imposed by the Chinese regulator on this industry. Accordingly, the object of this study is the gaming industry of mainland China. The gaze, within the framework of this research, is directed specifically at the Chinese gaming industry, insofar as it is the Chinese market, within the Asia-Pacific region, that is the largest both in terms of "money" and in terms of the number of game users – gamers. Nevertheless, the Chinese gaming industry is the only market in the region (and in the world as a whole) that has been subject to various kinds of systemic restrictions and regulations for more than 20 years, since 2000. In fact, the Chinese gaming industry is a "testing ground", the study of which seems relevant in order to draw conclusions regarding the impact of restrictions imposed by states on creative industries, industries related to the production of content in general, and the gaming industry in particular. As part of the study, the segmentation and systematization of data related to the system restrictions imposed on the Chinese gaming industry was carried out. Also, an analysis of the dynamics of statistical data on key indicators of the functioning of the gaming industry was carried out. The scientific novelty of the work consists in an attempt to assess the potential impact of the introduction of certain restrictions imposed on the Chinese gaming industry on the key performance indicators of this industry. As part of the study, the primary conclusions concerning the possible negative impact of government restrictions imposed by the Chinese regulator on the Chinese gaming industry are presented.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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