The key syntactic peculiarities of the Chinese newspaper-journalistic style


Gao Dai


The subject of this research is the syntactic of journalistic style of the Chinese language. The object is the Chinese media texts of newspaper-journalistic style. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact that although Chinese media system is rapidly developing and requires the knowledge of stylistic patterns, the newspaper-journalistic style remains poorly studied. The examination of newspaper-journalistic style is also important in translation from Chinese to other languages. The goal of this research consists in the analysis of syntactic peculiarities of journalistic style of the Chinese language. The author aims to examine the principles of syntactic construction of the Chinese media text; determine the ratio of simple and complex syntactic constructions in the Chinese media text; analyze the peculiarities of most common sentences of this style. The novelty lies in the summary of syntactic peculiarities of newspaper-journalistic style of the Chinese language based on the analysis of the types of sentences, syntactic constructions, and sentence components. The theoretical importance of the study consists in formulation of the key syntactic peculiarities of this style in the Chinese language. The practical significance lies in the acquired results that would be valuable for creating Chinese media texts and improving the quality of translations of such texts into other languages. The conducted research demonstrates that the newspaper-journalistic style of the Chinese language has its characteristic linguistic properties, the knowledge of which ensures better understanding of the Chinese media texts. The Chinese newspaper-journalistic style often features the special syntactic expressive means, which stir the interest of the readers, and perform the basic function of the texts – broadcast of information.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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