Low carbon full life cycle energy


Gadirov Amal Allakhveran Ogli


At the current stage of energy development, it seems that in the coming years, it is hydrocarbon energy that will form the basis of the world energy market. However, there are a number of global changes that inevitably affect the energy industry, among them are: a change in the technological chains of the energy complex, the persistence of the problems of traditional energy, an increase in energy demand, the high impact of emissions from the use of hydrocarbons on the climate, and many others. In this regard, solutions related to low-carbon energy, in particular solar, wind, hydropower and other renewable energy applications, are becoming increasingly important. A special place in this segment is occupied by low-carbon full-cycle energy, which is studied in the article. In particular, in Russia, full-cycle low-carbon energy appears to be a very important part of the development of the energy industry, as it can significantly reduce costs and negative externalities for the environment. In this regard, one of the objectives of the study is to analyze the current situation in the field of low-carbon energy in the Russian Federation, its regulation, as well as development prospects, taking into account the special role of the Russian Federation as one of the key exporters of traditional hydrocarbons.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Engineering

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