Transformation of the Activities of the Largest Russian Commercial Banks into Digital Ecosystems.


Mamedov Murad Azer ogly


There is a rapid development of innovative technologies in the financial sector of the Russian economy. Innovative technologies influence both the development of individual segments of the financial sector of the economy, the formation and development of new products and services, and significantly affect the change and transformation of traditional business models of market participants. One of such changes can be called the transformation of the largest Russian commercial banks into digital banking ecosystems. The object of this article is the largest Russian commercial banks. The subject of the study is financial mechanisms, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the activities of the largest Russian commercial banks in the context of the formation of digital ecosystems in Russia. The purpose of the study is to analyze the conditions and methods of transformation of the largest Russian commercial banks into digital banking ecosystems. To achieve this goal, the works of Russian and foreign authors on the formation and development of digital ecosystems, the provision of financial services, and the digitalization of commercial banks were studied. Based on the statistical data of the Bank of Russia and the reports of commercial banks, the analysis of the current state of activity of the banks selected for analysis was carried out. The author's definition of the concept of digital banking ecosystem is given in the article. Four main areas in which a full-fledged digital banking ecosystem should meet the needs of its customers have been identified and studied. The main conclusion of this study is that the largest Russian commercial banks create digital banking ecosystems by buying companies from various sectors of the economy and developing their own structures. The main tasks of digital banking ecosystems are not only meeting the needs of customers in financial services, but also in such areas as entertainment, IT and daily needs. Thus, digital banking ecosystems are maximally aimed at attracting and further retaining customers within their services.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Engineering

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