Genesis and establishment of the normative regulation of the institution of property in the primitive clan society


Sheptalin Aleksei


The subject of this research is the process of emergence and establishment of normative regulation of various forms and types of property in the kinship community. The object of this research is the normative regulation of property, usage of management of real and personal property at the stages of early and later kinship community in the historical dynamics. The goal consists in the attempt of approximate reconstruction of genesis, key stages and peculiarities of establishment of the normative regulation of initial forms and types of property based on the data of legal and economic anthropology. Research methodology is based on the anthropological concept of multilinear neo-evolutionism that allows accurate usage of materials on the synpolite primitive ethnoses for reconstructing the preliterate period overall, as well as different aspects of the genesis of state and law in particular. The novelty is defined by the fact that this topic has not previously become a topic of special examination within the Russian historiography. Using the wide variety of ethnological material, the author doubts the dominant in science representation of the primitive hypercollectivism, substantiates the emergence of complexly structures hierarchical system of property back at the stage of early kinship community, which was regulated by the ancient moral, religious and legal traditions – mononormativities. The consequences of Neolithic revolution are associated with the genesis of family property as the initial form of private property. Its establishment is demonstrated in the context of rights to real and personal property among the clans of economic-cultural types. The author believes that the formed in the Neolithic Age system of common law replaces the previously existing mononormativities in order to serve the new forms of property and socioeconomic relations in the stratified society that was moving towards the emergence of social classes and the state.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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