The application of the attractor model to cognitive poetics, journalism, and foreign language learning.


Shubina Anna Olegovna


The article examines the issue of applying of the complex dynamic systems theory elements in the field of teaching foreign languages, analyzing the use of the Internet, cognitive poetics, and journalism. In all these areas, the attractor model is mainly used. An attractor is a potential state of a system to which it is evolving. The semantics of the term is clearly dominated by the meaning of attraction. The article presents the justification of the methodological aspect in the application of the attractor model in various fields of science. An overview of domestic and foreign works in these fields is given, and various types of attractors are considered. Special attention is paid to cognitive poetics, a relatively new field of cognitive linguistics that systematically explores the relationship between the literary texts structure and their perception and conceptualization. In cognitive poetics, attractors influence the level of discourse by creating attention-attracting text objects. New types of textual attractors are proposed – neologisms (nonword), as well as elements of non-trivial lexical phrase that are not collocations. A lexical unit is a textual attractor if it attracts the reader's attention. The proof that a nonword attracts attention is that it introduces dissonance into the text, or that the lexical solution takes longer time. The proof that a nontrivial phrase can be considered a textual attractor is an increase in the reaction time to this phrase. The main contribution of the author to the study of the topic can be called the presentation of two types of new textual attractors, namely nonword and non-trivial phrase. The study of the structure and methods of producing individual author's occasional nonwords and non-trivial phrases that act as attractors in a V. Pelevin’s dystopian novel is carried out.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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