Patriotic principles in the work of M.A. Sholokhov


Shagbanova Khabiba Sadyrovna


The article is devoted to the understanding of patriotism according to M.A. Sholokhov. The theme of love for the Motherland is consistently considered in the works of various periods of the famous Soviet writer's work. Being a direct participant in the fateful events for the USSR, Sholokhov managed to reflect patriotism as a multilevel and, at times, contradictory concept. The analysis of the patriotic model of behavior on the example of the main characters and supporting characters of the writer's works is considered in the context of such plot and compositional elements as binary oppositions (good - evil, truth – lies, honor – inhumanity, mercy – cruelty, personal – collective). The description of this concept is accompanied by an appeal to the categories of space and time, an understanding of the ideological, moral and spiritual dominants that guide the literary heroes of the works. Patriotism, presented in the historical context of M.A. Sholokhov's literary heritage, should be considered as a constant that contributes to the reflection of the character and registers the internal logical connections of this constant, its meaningful content throughout the plot. The patriotic paradigm of the worldview of the writer's artistic works is characterized not only by the ability to motivate sacrificial acts, but also by the prerequisite to form the basis for a conflict of personalized positions and views. Using the example of the heroes of his works, M.A. Sholokhov shows us, the readers, what a true patriot should be. It is stated that the artistic heritage of the Master in modern socio-political realities can successfully contribute to the patriotic education of Russian youth, since fiction has a serious impact on the upbringing of a personality, on its inner potential and the choice of moral and ethical guidelines, and contribute to the formation of high moral qualities of a person.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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