What do the most frequent anthroponyms say in the framework of the discipline "Classical Literature"


Lakina Svetlana Valentinovna


The article is devoted to the most frequent anthroponymic lexemes that are used within the framework of the discipline "Classical Literature". The subject of the research was the upper part (the first ten in terms of frequency of anthroponyms) of the frequency dictionary, compiled on the basis of textbooks on the specified subject area. Anthroponyms are presented in the article both in a short and in their full version, that is, taking into account cognomen or prenomen. The research methodology consists in a combination of quantitative automated and manual analysis, and contextual analysis was also applied. The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in the differentiation of thematic and non-thematic anthroponyms and in identifying the reasons for the usage of names in sections and chapters of the textbook that are not devoted to them. In the course of the research, it was found out that the fundamental factor that influences the quantitative indicators of the use of a particular lexeme is the thematic affiliation of a particular textbook. This approach makes it possible to distinguish the center (where the frequency thematic anthroponyms are located) and the periphery (where the infrequent non-thematic anthroponyms are located) of the onomastic space. In addition to this difference, common indicators for all textbooks were also identified. Most of the units (49 from 50) included in the top ten in frequency are used in the content of textbooks not only in the sections devoted to them, but also in others, which deal with other personalities. Such usage of the names of real historical figures suggests an increase in their importance within the framework of the discipline "Classical Literature". In addition, it was possible to identify and classify the reasons for such use of names.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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