Seasons in the lyrics by Alina Podgornova


Muromtseva Alena Olegovna


Seasonal imagery allows not only to reveal the chronotope of the lyrical text, the psychological state, and intentions of the lyrical subject, but also to reflect the specifics of the author’s reflection of the surrounding world, the peculiarities of his worldview. A dynamic and transforming motif-shaped cluster, the seasons are endowed with a symbolic load, semantic diversity, consonant with the historical and cultural era, and moral and ethical preferences of society. In this regard, the study of Mordovian women's poetry in the aspect of seasonal imagery is recognized as a productive research direction, since it allows us to present an objective picture of the level of aesthetic development of the national artistic discourse. Turning to the classical imagery (winter, spring, summer, autumn), female authors endow it with a wide range of different meanings. The seasons acquire original semantic content in the lyrics of the Erzya poet Alina Podgornova. The subject of research in the article is the functional-semantic features of seasonal imagery in the author’s poems. The purpose of the work is to analyze a number of the poet’s works, identify the most frequent seasonal images and motifs, reveal their semantic shades, meaningful connotations of images of winter, spring, summer, autumn. The methodological basis of the work is determined by the method of holistic analysis of a literary text, through which the structural and content components of a lyrical work are described and the semantic and symbolic organization of the poetic image is revealed. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the aspect of seasonal imagery in A. Podgornova’s poems is analyzed for the first time. The article argues that the author's lyrics present an original interpretation of seasonal images, endowed with a variety of semantic shades and connotations.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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