To the formation of ethnic image in the media: an attempt at periodization


Semenova Varvara Sergeevna,Lazutova Natal'ya Mikhailovna


The article studies the process of modeling of ethnic image in the Russian media space. The media texts of the "Argumenty i Fakty" portal were used as empirics. The aim is to create a periodization for studying the processes of media communication in the formation of national image. The article reveals linguistic and stylistic peculiarities of the content and specificity of emotional and evaluative elements of the format of AiF journalistic materials about representatives of Caucasian ethnic groups, and states the presence of destructive stereotypes in media texts. The relevance of the material is explained by the negative consequences of interethnic confrontations, including those caused by conflictogenic texts in the media of the late twentieth century. The methodology of historical-semantic and cognitive-metaphorical analysis was applied, which revealed the linguistic structures at the basis of the formation of the audience's attitude towards the Caucasian peoples. After the collapse of the USSR, journalists used the construction "us and them", indirectly formed a negative reputation of national minorities, created barriers to their integration into the Russian identity, thus increasing socio-psychological tension in society, increasing social distance, influencing the processes of discrimination and isolation of the peoples of the Caucasus. In the modern global practice of convergence, "subject-to-subject" processes of mass communications, the influential potential of broadcast content has increased manifold. State control over the editorial policy of mass media should be strengthened, and personal responsibility of professional journalists for their work should be actualized. It is also necessary to support media education initiatives to increase the media literacy of the media audience. The results of the study can be used to rethink strategies for creating and promoting ethnic content.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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