1. Lewis, D. F.R. Scott's Contribution to the C.C.F. / S. Djwa and R. St J. Macdonald, eds. On F.R. Scott: Essays on His Contributions to Law. Literature, and Politics. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1983. 203 p.
2. Scott, F.R. Essays on the Constitution: Aspects of Canadian Law and Politics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977. 422 p.
3. Adams, E. M. Canada’s “Newer Constitutional Law” and the Idea of Constitutional Rights // McGill Law Journal / Revue de Droit de McGill. Vol. 51 2006. P. 437-474.
4. Scott, F.R. The Development of Canadian Federalism, Essays on the Constitution. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977. http://www.library.mcgill.ca/hostedjournals/scott.html (retrieved: 08.09.2019)
5. Scott, F.R. Provinces Versus Centre: Seeking the Balance / Frank Scott Papers, Vol. 103, File: Pamphlets and Clippings by F.R. Scott 1928-1954. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada.