Tuzova Olga Vladimirovna,Erokhina Karina Sergeevna
The object of the study is the national musical culture, the subject is the information potential of the newspaper "Volga Commune" in the perspective of the reconstruction of musical culture in the second half of the 1960s. The relevance of the topic is related to the need to recreate cultural processes during the reign of L. I. Brezhnev, including in the years of the eighth five–year plan that go beyond the concept of "stagnation", the search, formation and analysis of a comprehensive source base on musical and historical issues in national and local versions. Such aspects as quantitative, specific and substantive characteristics of newspaper publications of the official print media of the Kuibyshev region are considered in detail. For the first time, an attempt was made to determine the possibilities of the periodical press for the study of musical culture during the "golden five-year plan". Using the chronological, comparative method and content analysis, the features of the "Volga Commune" as a historical source were revealed, a selection of 967 thematic information units (essays, articles, ads, feuilletons, song texts and notes, photos) was carried out. The presence of lacunae in the indications of authorship of most publications is stated. The newspaper highlights the stories of the Soviet-Bulgarian community in the musical sphere, the propaganda of the art of the peoples of the USSR, Lenin festivals, the activities of local musical institutions, including educational, amateur performers. Attention is focused on cultural initiatives and events that have become traditional — the Grushinsky Festival, student springs, etc. It is concluded that the materials of the "Volga Commune" allow us to recreate a network of musical institutions, important musical events in chronological order, some achievements and activities of professional and amateur musicians and institutions. It is noted that the regional newspaper was the most important information resource for the functioning of the Kuibyshev musical and cultural model. It is emphasized that her data have undoubted value and constitute one of the integral segments of the empirical base for further study of the musical life of Russia in the Soviet period.
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