Foreign trade of the USSR in agricultural products in the period 1941-1945


Chistyakov Yurii Federovich


The object of the study is the import and export supplies of food products, agricultural raw materials and live animals to the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, the War with Japan and until the end of 1945. The subject of the study is the dynamics, trends and patterns of changes in the volume and structure of import and export of various types of agricultural products into the country and changes in the ratio of various supply channels of these products. The main content of the study is the creation of a statistical database based on a number of archival statistical sources containing data on agricultural imports and exports for the specified period and the analysis of this database. The article provides a brief description of the research on the topic of the work and an analysis of archival sources. When creating a statistical database containing data on the natural volumes of imports and exports of agricultural products, methods of historical, source-based and statistical analysis were used. As a result of reviewing the created statistical sample with data on agricultural imports and exports of the country, the following results were obtained containing elements of scientific novelty: 1. The characteristics of agricultural imports are more complete than in most previous studies. 2. The characteristics of the export of agricultural products for these years are given, which is absent in most previous studies. 3. In connection with the above, a more accurate description of the trends in the characteristics of imports and exports of agricultural raw materials and food during the years of the Great Patriotic War and the War with Japan is given, and the share of imports of a number of types of agricultural products in the total domestic production is calculated in a new way.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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