International cooperation of Russian universities and academic mobility (based on self-examination reports)


Trofimova Irina Nikolaevna


The development of international cooperation along with the growing number of the participants of academic mobility are among the attributes of internationalization of education. Its positive effects are universally acknowledged, however take effort to be achieved. Based on the example of national research universities, the article examines the peculiarities of international activity and opportunities for the Russian universities to participate in the international academic mobility. Primary focus is given to the student international internships, which are considered as highly effective educational and mentoring practices. The theoretical framework for this research is comprised of a set of provisions that characterize international academic exchange as mutually beneficial interaction of different values, cultures, experience, knowledge, interests, and goals. The scientific novelty lies in introduction of the new empirical self-examination reports of the universities, use of various statistical data and rating results. The conclusion is made that international academic mobility has its own structure, pronounced geographical focus, and industry characteristics. Cooperation with individual foreign universities and enterprises, as well as with international university associations and branch associations is well developed and creates favorable environment for the advancement of international academic mobility. However, these opportunities are not used to the fullest, as testified by relatively low number of the Russian participants, prevalence of incoming flow vs outgoing, and unequal conditions for the capital and regional universities.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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