Fundamental elements of Identity as the factors of modern ethnosocial relations


Zelenkov Mikhail,Lamaarti Yuliya Aleksandrovna,Yusupova Irina Nikolaevna


The object of this research is ethnosocial relations as the constructive and destructive phenomenon of modern human civilization. The subject of this research is identity as one of the distinctive foundations of ethnos and its structure. Based on the results of analysis of the theory and practice of formation and manifestation of ethnic identity, the author aims to determine and classify such characteristic elements that have a fundamental impact upon the system of interethnic communication. Theoretical framework for this research is comprised of scientific works the Russian and foreign scholars dealing with the process of the formation of ethnos and ethnosocial relations, results of sociological research, and statistical data for Russia and foreign countries. The novelty consists in the original approach towards determining the fundamental elements of the structure of ethnic identity, their classification, examination of their systemic links with the nature of modern ethnosocial relations. The conclusion is drawn that the nature of modern ethnosocial relations lies in defending its identity by the ethnic community, which manifests in its fundamental elements. The acquired results indicate that identity plays an essential role in the formation of ethnos, is deeply intertwined with its other characteristics, and has a particular structure of fundamental elements classified by the author into three groups: nomenclature and its genesis, paraphernalia, and historical area. In the conditions of interethnic communication, ethnos takes comprehensive actions on securing its identity.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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