Environmental policy of Abkhazia: sociocultural essay


Dbar Sofia


The subject of the study is to analyze the environmental policy of Abkhazia through the prism of socio-cultural factors. Its implementation will allow for a deeper understanding of society's interaction with the natural environment and identify key aspects affecting the effectiveness of environmental initiatives. The relevance of this study is due to the increasing importance of sustainable development in the context of global challenges, as well as the need to adapt international standards to local peculiarities. The study considers various aspects such as socio-cultural values, legal and regulatory context, scientific capacity and the importance of community initiatives. The analysis of socio-cultural factors provides an opportunity to determine how historical context and socio-economic conditions influence the implementation of environmental policies, which in turn contributes to the development of more effective conservation strategies. The paper utilized methods of theoretical analysis and content analysis to provide a comprehensive view of environmental policy in Abkhazia. The result of this study was a comprehensive analysis of Abkhazia's environmental problems, which demonstrated the importance of socio-cultural factors in the implementation of its environmental policy. The author highlighted these factors and determined the need for their greening in order to solve the existing problems. Considerable attention has been paid to analyzing the legal and regulatory context in which environmental policy is implemented, which allows for a more accurate identification of existing obstacles in achieving sustainable development. The study contributes to broadening academic and practical understanding of the interdisciplinary approach in the field of ecology, promoting the integration of social and cultural aspects into environmental governance. The author offers recommendations on how to create a sustainable environmental policy by integrating scientific activities into the tourism infrastructure of PAs, which will solve not only environmental but also socio-economic problems.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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