Issues of countering crimes committed using IT technologies


Aliev Timur Firudinovich


The subject of this study is the specifics of countering crimes committed using IT technologies. The purpose of the work is to consider and resolve certain aspects of countering IT crimes. The research methodology is based on general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition - dialectical, logical, statistical, comparative legal, formal legal. The relevance of the chosen topic has both theoretical and practical aspects of significance in modern realities. Thus, in the context of the informatization of society, it is important to protect information security from cyber threats. Unfortunately, in the modern world, information technologies are used not only by law-abiding citizens, which raises the question of ensuring national cybersecurity. To date, this type of crimes is interstate in nature due to the large number of their commission. Cybercrime is growing on a large scale, and this is confirmed by the following statistics: from 2014 to 2022, an almost fifty-fold increase in IT crimes was recorded (10 thousand against 510 thousand cybercrimes). The author of the presented article came to the conclusion that countering IT crimes should be carried out taking into account scientific and technological progress. Studying international experience, analyzing modern domestic methods of combating this category of crime, the author became convinced that it is important to use digital technologies in countering IT crimes, the use of which will help reduce both the number of commission of this kind of criminal acts and increase the percentage of detection of this category of crime. The author illustrates examples of how artificial intelligence can serve as a "faithful assistant" in the domestic practice of countering IT crimes. In addition, the priority is to improve the knowledge and skills of law enforcement officers to counteract this category of crime, at the same time it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to inform the population about the main criminal schemes of intruders.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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