Biosecurity Law in the Context of National Security: New Threats and Countermeasures


Rednikova Tatiana Vladimirovna


Today, the Russian Federation has a number of strategic planning documents, federal laws, by-laws, SanPiNs and GOSTs in place to ensure the medical and biological safety of the population. The system of environmental protection legislation and legislation in the field of health care and sanitary and epidemiological support, the norms of which regulate, to some extent, the issues of ensuring medical and biological safety, has developed to a great extent. It should be noted a number of problems inherent in the whole body of legislation regulating various aspects of medical and biological safety, which require a priority solution through the consolidation of efforts of the state and representatives of legal and sectoral sciences, as well as civil society. A characteristic feature of legislation in the field of biomedical safety is that in most cases it develops in response to past or existing threats, although in today's world it is more necessary than ever to develop it in advance, taking into account the foreseeable risks. The large number of rules governing relations in the field of biomedical security, which are often in conflict with each other, greatly complicates their enforcement. Legal science faces an urgent need to develop a strategy (content) and tactics (implementation mechanism) of state-legal policy in the field of ensuring both medical and biological, and inextricably linked to it, environmental security of the state, adequate to the realities of the current stage of social development.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

Reference6 articles.

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