Reform of the Russian healthcare system – threat to the security of social groups or evolution of health protection?


Timakov Ivan Vsevolodovich


 Recent changes in healthcare system are perceived negatively by certain population groups, which results in a loss of confidence in the social system. Integrity of the reform of the Russian healthcare system depends on social stability, which is possible if results of the reform coincide with public representations on the guarantees of health protection. The goal of this work consists in determination of the eventual nature of threat to the security of social groups in the process of Russian healthcare reform using sociological methods. The subject of this research is analysis of the the nature of eventual threats to the security of population groups in the process of Russian healthcare reform. The object of this research is the problems of healthcare reform as the potential threats in perception of the respondents. In the course of this work, the author leans on the databases of comprehensive monitoring of living conditions of the population of the Federal State Statistics Service. Statistical analysis was conducted on the basis of contingency tables in dynamics of the tasks of research. Threat factors were viewed through the factors of not receiving medical treatment by the citizens. A third of respondents  above 15 years of age having health concerns, refused to apply to medical establishments. The population above working age appear to be in a vulnerable situation as a result of reform. Most of the listed factors are associated with inadequate work of medical establishments, which indicates social tension towards the reform of healthcare system. Two groups of factors are highlighted. Under the influence of external factors, the internal structures of healthcare system adapt without full consideration of possible consequences. The author underlines remaining contradictions between citizens’ expectations and changes in the practices of health protection. Changes in healthcare system are the cause of loss of confidence in healthcare institutions and refusal to seek medical treatment for certain social groups, which is a threat to their health. Realization f comprehensive guarantees within the framework of the system of Compulsory Medical Insurance requires different approaches. 


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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