The activity of nonprofit organization in the current Russian conditions: sociological-administrative aspect


Babichev Igor' Viktorovich,Demina Svetlana Vladimirovna


The object of this research is the activity of nonprofit organizations in the current socioeconomic conditions established in Russia. Assessment of their activity is conducted for the purpose of identification of factors, trends and stereotypes forming the attitude of Moscow residents on NPO. Particular attention is focused on determining the extent of involvement of the respondents in the work of third sector, analysis of experience of interaction of Moscow residents with NPO, estimation of the level of information awareness of respondents on the activity of NPO and the third sector as a whole. The phone survey of respondents based on random generation of phone numbers became the key method for this research. Sampling includes 1006 Moscow residents of 18 years of age or older. It is established that the expectations of Moscow residents with regards to NPO are associated with the need for solution of the urgent social problems, while the narrow-focused vectors in activity of the nonprofit organizations (independent public control, human rights advocacy, etc.) is perceived as collateral. The author reveals that more than half of Moscow residents give positive assessment to the activity of NPO; however, the presence of negative trends with regards to third sector is also observe – low level of trust, stereotypical perception of its functions. In a number of instances, assessment of the activity of nonprofit organizations is built on the shallow knowledge due to the fact that majority of respondents to not have actual experience of interaction with NPO or sufficient information on their activity.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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