Malichenko Vladislav Sergeevich
The subject of the research is the legal regulation of public relations in the process of circulation of healthcare technologies. The purpose of the research is to analyze the features of convergence of legal regulation of the circulation of healthcare technologies in order to develop theoretical and practical proposals to counter modern challenges and threats in this area. The article is prepared using general scientific methods of cognition, including formal-logical and situational, and private-legal methods, such as comparative-legal, historical-legal and formal-legal. The novelty of the research lies in revelation of legal convergence in the system of international law as an important mechanism for the formation of access to safe, high-quality and effective technologies for healthcare and human security. The article summarizes the main threats in the sphere of circulation of healthcare technologies that require the introduction of uniform regulatory standards. The author analyzes the features of the harmonization and integration on the example of the activities of regional integration associations in order to form recommendations for the development of legal regulation of the circulation of healthcare technologies within the common market of the EAEU countries. The novelty of the article lies in the systematic consideration of legal convergence in the system of international law as an important mechanism for the formation of access to safe, high-quality and effective healthcare technologies and ensuring human safety. Justifying the lack of a systematic approach to the convergence of international legal regulation of the circulation of healthcare technologies, the author suggests considering the possibility of preparing a normative legal act of a universal nature in this area, by analogy with codifying conventions in other branches of international law. The author analyzes the features of the harmonization and integration on the example of the activities of regional integration associations in order to form recommendations for the development of legal regulation of the circulation of healthcare technologies within the framework of the common market of the EAEU countries
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