The subject of the study is the problem of venomous snake bites (ophidism), which is relevant for modern public health and accumulates a range of diverse social practices aimed at preventing or reducing the negative consequences of human contact with a non-human agent (a venomous snake). The problem of ophidism is considered as a special case of conflict between humans and animals, in which a typical scenario of such interactions is embodied, due to the increased anthropogenic impact on nature, which received a powerful impetus during the formation of the colonial system and reached its maximum expression in the XX - early XXI century in the context of the cumulative growth of mankind. The study uses a comprehensive methodology based on a comparative historical approach, comparative analysis of statistical information, socio-philosophical interpretation of the problem of ophidism, considered as a special case of conflict interaction between a person and non-human agents. The approach developed within the framework of Critical Animal Studies (CAS). The study shows the evolution of understanding of the problem of ophidism and its significance in the second half of the XX century - early XXI century, the formation of interdisciplinary optics, which made it possible to interpret a set of particular situations as a single phenomenon due to the specifics of human-nature interaction, taking into account socio-economic factors and as one of the challenges for global health. The conclusion is made about the change in the logic of constructing the agency of the non-human side of the conflict, affecting social activity aimed at preventing it, as well as the possible rejection of the understanding of ophidism as a holistic problem under the influence of other challenges to global health, primarily the COVID-19 pandemic.
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