Morality in the dynamics of socio-cultural contexts


Efimochkina Natal'ya Borisovna,Mamedov Agamali Kulamovich


The article is devoted to the dynamics of morality and the peculiarities of its functioning in various social fields. The interdependence of the cultural code of the epoch, the peculiarities of its reading and the transformation of moral matrices is investigated. The authors highlight the peculiarities of changing moral values in the digital age. The influence of digitalization on the behavior of users in the Network is shown. The issues of image formation in the Internet era, the impact of digitalization on the individual, the readiness of society for the achievements of the digital revolution are touched upon. It is said about the importance of compliance with ethical standards in the World Wide Web by all actors using IT innovations. The emphasis is placed on the psychological readiness of society members for digital scientific and technical achievements. Special attention is paid to the role of ideology, agitation and propaganda in the digital information space, their influence on the development of the ideological principles of citizens. The importance of the formation of moral values of Internet users is noted. The ways of prevention or possible resolution of social conflicts and risks associated with the ethical side of the use of information technologies are proposed. It is stated that under the influence of the Global Network and the constant improvement of information technologies, the ethics of individual behavior in society is gradually transformed. The article presents the results of the author's sociological research, which makes the conclusions of the article scientifically sound.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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