Resource capital of a modern family in the Republic of Bashkortostan: differentiation of opportunities and compensating factors


Karimov Aibulat Galim'yanovich,Kadyrov Salavat Khismatovich,Svinukhova Yuliya Nikolaevna


The object of the study is families living in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The subject of the study is the resource capital of a family with children. One of the important areas of research is the consideration of a family with children in the aspect of a resource approach. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to monitor and assess the needs and access to social benefits and services of families and their members, which will determine some mechanisms for improving their socio-economic status, respectively, well–being and quality of life, and will also determine the characteristics and degree of influence of various types of its capital in family education. The paper uses statistical data analysis, secondary analysis of sociological research data on related issues. The actual basis of the study was the data obtained during the study of the living conditions of the population in 2022 in the Republic of Bashkortostan conducted by the state statistics bodies. The paper considers the current socio-economic status of families living in the region. The factors causing the risk of reducing the well-being of families with children are identified, the directions of their impact are determined. Based on the data presented, it is shown that the risk of a decrease in the material well-being of families with children in the region is primarily caused by factors such as having many children and living in rural areas. The paper shows that the financial capital of families with children for a significant part of them acts rather as a factor limiting development opportunities and access to social goods and services. The social capital of families can act as a compensating factor and even expand life opportunities, in particular, in the field of education. Some mechanisms of leveling the factors that reduce the well-being of families with children are indicated.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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