The Problem of Volunteer Motivation in Volunteering Management: A Sociological View


Kruglova Marina Sergeevna,Kruglova Lorina Ermondovna,Shuvanov Igor' Borisovich,Shuvanova Viktoriya Petrovna


The article deals with the problems of analyzing the motivational component in the management systems of youth volunteering. The subject of the study is the totality of managerial relations that arise in the process of organizing the volunteer movement and the implementation of volunteer activities. The object of the study is the activities of volunteer, non-profit organizations. The problem lies in the possible outflow of volunteers after the first contact or event, without repeated or regular participation. It is important for managers and leaders of the voluntary sector to successfully involve young people in volunteer projects and develop their voluntary participation in the long term. The study of this issue will make it possible to form a holistic view of the significant aspects of the organization of the volunteer movement. The study is aimed at identifying existing approaches to motivating volunteers, finding the most effective ways to increase the level of volunteer motivation, developing tools to ensure a high level of motivation and involvement in projects of volunteer associations. To collect data on motivation in youth volunteering, the authors conducted a questionnaire survey, the participants of which were volunteers from Russian volunteer organizations based in higher educational institutions. The predominance of the non-material nature of the motivation of volunteers was revealed; a scale of motives was developed for testing volunteers and designing an individual route of volunteer experience in organizations. The unity and opposition of the types of volunteer participation in the concept of dual motivation of volunteers (altruism and selfishness) gives grounds for using a combined approach that takes into account various motives for participation.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Materials Science

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