Digital Transformation in Education: social well-being and adaptation strategies (on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))


Zakharova Akulina E.


Digitalization creates a new quality of life, new opportunities and new risks for society, prerequisites for a radical transformation of social systems, new challenges and a new digital inequality. And one of the key sectors of the social sphere, which is directly influenced by the introduction of digital technologies, is the field of education. This article presents the results of a sociological study "The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and big challenges: social well-being, mobility and adaptation strategies" conducted in 2021-2023 in Yakutia. Special attention is paid to the impact of digitalization of education and the introduction of distance learning formats on the social well-being of the region's population. The study captures the main contradictions that arose during the emergency transfer of the educational process to a remote form of work, local material shows the emerging social contradictions that are formed under the influence of objective differentiation between urban and rural territories. A mass sociological survey was conducted in five socio-economic zones of Yakutia: using a complex of field work: face-to-face, online survey, and a survey involving "public correspondents". The study used a multi-stage quota sample of respondents, the sample totaled 1,320 respondents. Among the most tangible consequences of the pandemic, respondents noted an increased level of stress, psychological tension, increased time spent on social networks and on the Internet in general, an increase in financial burden and expenses. Problems related to the implementation of remote work and study, 26.8% of respondents attributed to one of the most tangible consequences of the pandemic.The majority of respondents expressed satisfaction with the state, quality and accessibility of education, about half of the respondents are more or less dissatisfied with the quality of Internet connection in their place of residence. The main determinants of the digital divide between urban and rural areas and the growth of educational inequality are the uneven material and technical equipment and the introduction of digital educational resources, as well as the availability and quality of telecommunications services.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Materials Science

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