Reduction of construction time as a result of increase of labor efficiency


Salnikov Konstantin Evgenevich


The subject of this research is the regulatory relations arising in the context of reduction of construction time as a branch of material production, which carries out the erection and reconstruction of buildings and structures of various designation. The object of this research is the construction sector overall; enterprises of different forms of property that functions in the investment and construction sector; organizational-legal forms of interaction between the actors of investment and construction process; state regulation in the sphere of capital construction. The goal of this work lies in solution of the key problems of regulating the construction terms: estimation of time and allocation of resources. The author examines the contractual models for the implementation of investment projects; factors that improve efficiency; technical and technological factors; organizational and economic factors; classification of construction works; role of general labor in modern industrial sectors; reduction of construction time; optimization of organizational issues; modern contact models; traditional model of organizing organization (M-1); EPC-contract model (M-2) ; construction based on EPC(M)- contract (M-3); factors that contribute to reduction of construction time due to the use of contractual models. Special attention is given to the causes and reserves for reduction of construction time in the instance of using various contractual models. The scientific novelty is determined by lack of knowledge on the questions of improvement, theoretical, experimental and technical-economic substantiation of technological processes, methods and forms of organizing construction and its production capacities with regards to reduction of construction time. The importance of this work for the national economy consists in studying the theory and practice of reducing construction time and finding solutions to scientific and technical problems of construction via development and creation of competitive construction technologies and organizational-technological solutions, which would intensity the processes of erection, reconstruction and modernization of buildings while reducing labor, material-technical, fuel and energy resources.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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